Posts Tagged: discipleship

When Life Happens: Be Present

“Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, made in human likeness” (Philippians 2:6-7 NIV).

I am trying to post more consistently, but sometimes life happens. I found myself growing frustrated with my day yesterday as deadlines loomed and nothing I wanted done, was done. But, a much-needed commitment to my son took center stage and revealed how off my priorities had become. I was leaning towards doing, rather than being.

How easy it is to make life into a to-do list. And while checking off agendas can be a nice feeling for the moment, just like any addiction it is only a short and a temporary high that requires more and more doing. God is looking for men and women who make themselves available to those in front of them. As long as I can remember I have always looked to do big things for God. But God is teaching me to skip stones and change the waters a little at a time, in individuals, rather than making a splash in the crowd.

So as I watched my son race around a track with his friend, I realized the depth of importance this moment has. Daniel needs solid friendships, he needs experience, and he needs to know his life is valued. My time with this growing young man is fleeting and what I do for and with Daniel and his sister matters. Turning the Page on Suicide is a big deal and I love the unique details of your purpose and lives dear reader. But speaking life into my children has far bigger implications because we are face to face, day in and day out.

Who is in front of you Page Turner? How can you spend time with them? Be intentional to speak life into their circumstances? Lean into Christ’ purpose for all you encounter.

It can be easy for us to look for opportunities to do and miss out on being present, right where God plants us. Christ was very good at being present with those in front of him. Notice his habits, where he positioned himself and who he spent time with.

  • temple
  • streets
  • meals
  • homes (rich and poor)
  • outcast camps
  • boat
  • road (Can you imagine how many saddles he wore out)
  • wells
  • market place

So excuse me if I have moments of catch up, but I am being with my children, and what a delight to speak God’s life into them.

The Importance of Being Present
  • Podcasts post every Monday at 10:00 am
  • Devotionals post every Tuesday at 7 pm
  • Poetry posts every Thursday at 7 pm

True Discipleship: I’m not a Minion

I’m not a minion just following Christ because he’s the biggest, badest dude. I am a follower of a God who is involved in my life, who cares, nurtures, laughs and cries with me. One who is moved with grief that we struggle so deeply  with our depressed state. He is a God who comforts. Seems to me that a God who came off his throne, took on our flesh, limited himself to eat, drink and go fishing with us, would want his disciples to do the same.

Discipleship is messy. It means that we can’t keep our distance, it means that our sin marked scars will be exposed, and it means that we can’t be counting the numbers.  Jesus went after the one who was lost, even if he had a crowd of followers. He helped the child destroyed by demonic forces. He healed the sick, he dined with tax collectors. He dined with Pharisees. God dined with me! I am that lost sheep that Jesus pursued. I am that one that he said was worth dying for. Anyone who wants to be a fisher of men has to be in the pool where the fish are biting. There is no formula, sharing the gospel is as individual as our fingerprints.

Discipleship starts with following Jesus.

“Come follow me, ” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19 (Notice that Jesus didn’t say you need to make yourself a fisher of men. HE WILL MAKE us in his image!)

Seeing the needs of those around you.

When He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Matthew 9:36

Acting on those needs now, the harvest is ripe.

Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Matthew 9:37

Discipleship is not complicated, it is actually rather simple. In fact, many of our idols have “groupies” that make decisions on wardrobe, hair and behavior based upon the person they have plastered on their wall. Who are you studying? Who is it that you moves you to action? We all follow something or someone. I follow Christ and therefore my words are meant to draw you closer to the one who changed me!

There is nothing like witnessing  God’s love catching fire in the bosom of another. I get a front row seat to God’s unfolding plan in your life! I am in constant prayer as I speak to you, asking for discernment. Many of you are struggling with deep heart and soul pain, as well as physical. I don’t always say the right words and that used to bother me. But, sharing grace isn’t about perfection, it is about presence!

May I be a light, present in the darkness. True discipleship is sharing the reality of Christ’s active role in my life, I carry a cross, not a silver spoon! Life has not been easy for me; I have many sorrows.  I am learning to the depth of my being that my contentment comes from Christ alone, my hope is in him, and my joy is in that in his realm we are raised from the dead! For the past year I have been discipled, even as I disciple others. I was guided to scriptures that refresh my weary soul and speak truth over my circumstances when I find myself wanting to believe lies. I was strengthened by being in community with another, further along in her journey.

Participating in the Out of the Darkness Community Walk on Sunday I was deeply burdened and hopeful as I turned another page on suicide. So many men and women walked with me, deeply wounded by depression and suicide, just like me! I want to offer hope and discipleship gives me the opportunity to share through relationship. At times it feels like I’m attempting to hold back a tidal wave, but by God’s love, grace and discipline, I continue to stand in the darkness and cry out NO MORE!  I cannot offer you anything less than what sustains me in my grief. Disciples of Christ do not stand alone, the Spirit stands with us. He lit the candles of the first disciples, and they lit many candles after Jesus, all the way to this present moment. Discipleship is lighting a candle, then another, and another until the world isn’t so dark any more.

Suicide & Prevention Hotline

National Suicide Hotline

If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call the National Suicide Lifeline at 988 or go to the website at