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Without Complaint

Without Complaint

I cannot heal without complaint.
Teach me, O Lord, to lament well so that I
vulnerably lay grief open before your sovereignty
and intimately know the labor pains of my reality.

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Attention: Talent Needed to Save the World

Talent Needed to Save the World

Talent Needed to Save the World   You should have been swaddled in the warmth of a silk palace, not wrapped in scraps, cradled in a barn by unwed parents. Your star, the only one on the Hollywood Walk of […]

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Iron Out Despair

Iron Out Despair

Wrinkled, unkempt, weary.
Sometimes, the sluggishness of despair,
refuses to stumble out of bed, prepare, or
repair you.

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Furnace of God's Presence

Furnace of God’s Presence

I am in the furnace of God’s presence Where all I’ve learned from scripture of your character becomes tangible, concrete, and battle-tested by false belief. Pushed into the furnace of God’s presence Shame will not singe me. The flames of […]

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Marriage By Design

Tender tenacious kiss of one who embraces hope when all seems lost. One who traces hot tears of misunderstanding back to their source and chooses forgiveness. One who adventures to, discovers, and treasures your identity. One who walks with you, […]

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Surrendered to His Glory

Surrounded by celebration Under the illuminating lights of Ressurection power, I Recognize every blaring blemish Endured on the cruel cross for me. Naked truth. Stripped of Distraction. Believe in Him. Abide in Him. Enter into love so tangible death is […]

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Rooted Tree, Grow in Christ

Tree. What are you afraid of? You are rooted. Storms strengthen. Drought triggers thirst for Him. Sacrifice multiplies seeds of hope. Nothing is wasted. Not even death. Grow with sun-kissed joy!

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Not Cotton Candy Faith

This isn’t fairground faith, Setting up temporary attractions to entertain, This is a battleground. This is a crawl-on-your-belly-through-muck kind of faith. Faith like this knows the pain of barbs and mourns the consequences of not hitting the mark. Faith in […]

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Suicide & Prevention Hotline

National Suicide Hotline

If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call the National Suicide Lifeline at 988 or go to the website at