Posts Categorized: poetry

Jesus’ Cologne

Breathe in the sweet fragrance of scripture, until

we recognize his scent on humanity.



Still Standing

Shallow roots of entwined
community. Disciples sturdy
with faith,
raise branches
Sunward in worship.

The Juxtapositions of Christ

I dance where there is no music,
I sing when there is no song,
I cry out when there are no words, and
I am silent when the world is shouting out!
I heal when there is no medicine,
I carry your burdens when others put them down,
I love when others hate me, and
I forgive when I should keep a record of wrongs.
I live when death surrounds me, and
I die to self to preserve your life.


(Poem written in the early days of grief)


Valuable Valentine

Trace the curves of Virtue,

She softens your soul

with her joy, and kneads

stresses away with her

attentive ear.

How tenderly she leans into your perspective,

and fills your world with fresh fragrance.

Cradle her heart

like a valuable valentine–

You are nurturing the heart of God.

Soiled Grief

Graves, ripe with blossoms,

always freshly planted in

our minds.


Depression is a pickpocket,

Pinching souls of pluck.









I Am A Tomb Raider

Hope, lit in abstract is easily

Snuffed out by passionate loneliness.

Attempts to breathe, clotted by

veins scarred by sorrow.

Eyes, scaled by experience and


Closed in sleep against the cruelties

Of the world.


I’m not afraid to climb into the ditch with you,

I’ve dug this grave before.

Grave digger turned grave robber.

Joined, a band of brothers and sisters, saturated

In the oil of faith,

searching tombs of darkness for a pulse, because you matter

To me.

The torch of our souls leaning close to

living corpses already making beds of graves.

Relentless in calling Lazarus from the

tomb. It is not your time yet.

I am hope, concrete with dirty fingers.




Testimony Grit

Evidence of grit–

Heels dug into turf

in repetitive resilience.

Battered souls

wilted weary

by devastating


Coached back up

to the surprise of

of our enemy’s doggedness.

Shoulders pressed forward

against all odds.

Hope faithfully

gains ground with eyes

firmly fixed on the end

zone of belief.


Unwrapping Sorrow

Packaged patiently within pain

is the gift of possibility.

Unopened. . . or open does not change content.

Bitterness and despair torn open and discarded,

like a shiny exoskeleton no longer attractive.

My passion–hope secreted within the gift of sorrow.




One Necessary Thing

Luke 10:41But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42but one thing is necessary.

Mind distracted by obligation,

hands and heart

splintered bitter in our scrambling to sustain


who chooses to dwell with us.


“Relate to me.

Receive my love Martha.

Sit with me and

Unwrap my presence.

I am your satisfaction, your great reward.

Need nothing more.”




Suicide & Prevention Hotline

National Suicide Hotline

If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call the National Suicide Lifeline at 988 or go to the website at