Posts Categorized: poetry

Being a Lamp in the Darkness

After reading a fellow poet’s haunting work I prepared a response to the darkness that lights her world, and once lit my own.

I have lived in darkness,

wrapped up in the blanket of its truth, smothered

hope and shut out liars

who offer to light my way with burnt

out candles of philosophy. I thought that I had insulated

myself from darkness by embracing its truth. Nothing begets nothing–

we’re all dead anyway.


fear mastered my taste buds, and my

craving was bitterness.


I begged death to

swallow me whole and it did.

Soul crushing pain that I could

never quite medicate out of existence.

Death was my hope.


But there was a persistent, pesky light

that didn’t care if I trusted. The warmth of its glow stayed constant

when others faded away.  Like an inn at the end of a long

journey, it offered rest from

my aching confusion.


The lantern brought me from the woods

of my tangled shadows.

Secure in its source,

in its never changing nature

a humble truth never experienced in my boasting

darkness of doubt. It didn’t demand I believe, nor

did it exact the price of darkness. It paid in full every

debt I owed. This light didn’t scramble as I did,

to snuff out pain. It bore it. . . .willingly.

It hung in the darkness for me.

I have never experienced such light.

A state of being, rather than doing, a love

that pursues

Rather than playing hide-and-seek.


My soul caught fire as I warmed by the fire

of its glory,

I am a light to you in the darkness

Inviting warmth and freedom to the darkest souls.

Assurance Policy

I’ve taken out an assurance policy.
It cost me my life, but
the after death benefits are divine.
The plan promises abundant
life on earth.

There is no fine print,
I can count on provision
no matter my circumstances.

I don’t have to haggle with the
Agent, though sometimes I do ask
for clarification.
Everything is covered:

  • Floods
  • Calamity
  • Loss
  • Marriage
  • Kids
  • Death

My assurance agent
Is available 24 hours a day and backs claims

in writing.
He’s really poured out his blood and sweat into

this policy.
He has been in business for eternity,
His love gives peace of mind
And confidence.
I can walk this earth
no longer chained to fear.

Repeating Blues

Awkward memories belt out

haunting blues,

Their melody seeps into bones

like a chilled rain–

Shivering the soul to its core, like a scratched record.

Doomed to repeat

Doomed to repeat

Depression needles

its way into the grooves of gray

and repeats its mantra

’til your being aches to

smash the record, the player

and anything else

that reminds of this unforgiven sorrow.

The Void of Your Presence

The void of your presence

Presses hard into my thoughts today

Jumbling the jigsaw pieces

Within my fragilely framed reality.

How can I ever complete this puzzle

without you?

Suicide Didn't Diminish Worth

Pregnant Scripture

Cradled within the womb of death, scripture beats defiant.

Lean in, to discern hope’s unfolding;

multiplying cells of truth over pregnant centuries. Giving

breath to us, too often, dragged to the grave. 

Soothing empty arms,

with strong proof of life after life.

So soft, it is thunder in the vast

noise of doubt’s marketplace.


backbone to bow

to no man.

Resolving who knit whom together.

Renewing covenant with an empty


Our souls

swollen with

grief—for but a while.

Death Touched Butterfly

Cocooned, your wings

folded into cramped quarters of

fragile purpose.

Too young–death has touched


ripped your still forming chrysalis

forced your

eyes open to the dust

of humanity. So you hide deep within

safety, questioning the wisdom of

God. Why did he mold you to fly in a world

chained by gravity?

Tree climber

I watched you work the knot

higher, slow progress

did not deter your

forming soul

from quiet goals of

resilience, the gravity of your

situation pulling you

towards earth

but determination

calling you defiantly upward

till you lay your weary

head in the hammock


Nitty Gritty Love

We need

Love that sweats, pours

Out humility, serves

Like it’s goin’ out of style.

Love that callouses,

But isn’t calloused, that

Has dirt under the nails, while everyone else

washes their hands

Of you. Love that endures the scars of loss,

Hangs on in darkness, when others hang loose

in light times.

Love that climbs into pits, pulls

us from flames and washes our wounds.

Nitty gritty love that removes royal robes to know

the dust of our humanity!

Suicide & Prevention Hotline

National Suicide Hotline

If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call the National Suicide Lifeline at 988 or go to the website at