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Model of Forgiveness

How do I turn the other cheek? Do I glare down my enemy with kindness? Slap them over the head with generosity? Silence them with my devoutness? Humiliate them with my humility? The goal of forgiveness can’t be to glorify […]

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The Sweet Fragrance of Worship

Mmm, what is that sweet fragrance? I am learning to crawl onto the altar of trust, daily, and die to self. Oh God, refine me. In the flames of suffering, nothing else matters but You. Burn off all that hinders […]

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Made in Your Image

  Twisted by confusion and sin— My body lay, crumbled, wearing rust among the discarded and dispised things of this world. Worth. Purpose. What were those? I was no longer useful. Until you gathered my broken pieces and welded my […]

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Unfair Fight

I shouldn’t be standing. You’ve twisted and broken my body so many times The count should be over. How many knockout punches can I sustain? As many as He allows. You should have known you’d lose. My manager bought the […]

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Furnace of Hope (Choka Haiku)

Belief’s amber warmth chilled black by fear. I wonder— Do I exist here? Desolate nightmare Purple bruises on repeat— You rescued my heart. Tender shoots of trust sprout knowing Your faithfulness— Nightmare crushed crimson. Unquenchable Hope stands beside. I emerge […]

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The Father’s Heart

Start here. In the shivering nakedness of not knowing but being known. A rebirth. Where your heartbeat nestles under the Father’s. Listen. His voice secures your every anxious thought when He calls you by name. Beloved. Finally, you can rest […]

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A Hidden Spring of Joy in my Sorrow

It is now ten years, and I am reposting this blog post from 2022 because it encouraged my soul and I pray that it does yours. You may be in the desert where there seems to be no provision. What […]

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Even in Deserts I Grow

I  was planted in the parched desert of suffering. Others scoffed at The Gardener who sows in such unforgiving ground. “Nothing could ever grow in that graveyard.” They think they know better how to be fruitful. Scattering seeds in shallow […]

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You Hollow Out Retreat

You hollowed out a cleft where I can hide when the battle without and within dismantle me. Provision appears, angels minister, and I hear the strengthening rumbles of your whisper. I am not alone.

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Suicide & Prevention Hotline

National Suicide Hotline

If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call the National Suicide Lifeline at 988 or go to the website at